While it’s been shown that New Year’s resolutions are almost never successful and long-lasting, it’s no secret that creating and maintaining healthy habits is important and can be life-changing. With the holidays behind us and a new year in front of us, many of us are thinking about all of the things we would like to change or start doing. If that’s you, check out these healthy habits for the new year:

- Choose a word or theme for the year. You may want to spend a few days contemplating what you want to focus on this year and choosing a word or phrase that reflects your goals. While it’s not necessary, it can be helpful to keep you on track throughout the year.
- Journal. If you’ve never had the habit of journaling before, start now and start simple! You can begin by writing down five things you’re grateful for every day, or spending ten to fifteen minutes a day free-writing your thoughts, feelings, fears, etc. as they come to you.
- Alter your sleeping schedule. If your sleep habits are causing you to suffer all day, consider getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier each day, making sure you get an adequate amount of sleep each night.
- Eat more fruits and veggies. This is a simple way to improve your eating habits and ensure you are getting more nutrients and natural foods into your diet.
- Learn something each day. Make a list of topics that interest you or questions you have and make a point of learning something new each day. With so much information at our fingertips, it doesn’t take long to look something up or watch a video over an interesting topic. If you have a desire to learn an instrument, improve your drawing skills, learn a new language, etc., set aside time to work on it – even if only for a short time each day!
- Use affirmations to change your limiting beliefs. Affirmations can be super powerful especially when used regularly. Begin by writing down some of your limiting beliefs, or simply look up or write down affirmations that you resonate with or that challenge the negative things you believe about yourself/your life. You can write these in your journal or speak them out loud each day.
- Create a self-care routine. Taking even just a couple minutes each evening before bed for a routine of self-care can make a huge difference and even help you sleep easier/better. This can include a skincare routine, listening to a podcast or audiobook, journaling, meditating, drinking a cup of tea, putting away your phone, etc. – anything that helps you relax.
What habits do you plan to adopt this year? Share them with us!