I’ve been a fan of Preggie Pops
for years. In my pre-pregnancy days, I used them to cope with motion sickness and early morning plane flights. I used to carry them in my purse in case of emergency. A few years ago, I handed one to a friend suffering from nausea (actually I think it was a hangover). I got a strange look for having them since I wasn’t actually pregnant, but she said it worked and later joked that she bought some for herself. Apparently, it really freaked out her boyfriend when he opened the mail.
I don’t understand why these lollypops cure nausea. Maybe it’s a really strong placebo effect…but I don’t care. The fact is that Preggie Pops (especially the ginger flavor) work for me. I keep them in my medicine cabinet, and I reach for them at the first hint of nausea. They are completely safe and natural, and they remind me of the lollypops I used to get at the pediatrician’s office when I was a little girl.