Right now, crafting with my Baby is still a day dream, but I can’t wait until we sit down at our table, cover it in newspaper, and make some fabulous projects. Back when I was a teenage counselor, the arts & crafts teacher remarked how she loved having our group because I “modeled enthusiasm” so well. Hmmm…a nice way of telling me I’m more into the crafts than the kids?
Here are some great crafting supplies I can’t wait to use with my little one:
Unique Craft Material: If I had a pre-schooler or young school-aged kid, Wikki Stix, would be topping my wish list. If you are looking for a craft material in the wake of the Aqua Dots tragedy, you’ll be happy to know Wikki Stix are made in the US from non-toxic acrylic knitting yarn and a food-grade wax. Only give these to kiddos who know the difference between yarn and spaghetti–but just in case they find their way into a toddler mouth, isn’t it nice to know you don’t have to call poison control?
Drawing, Painting, and Sculpting Supplies: For good old fashioned crayons and colored pencils, my favorites are Stockmar ($11.49 and up, Made in Germany and available at Oompa) and Lyra ($9.99 and up, also Made in Germany and available at Magic Cabin). Stockmar also makes watercolor paints for little impressionists. For the future Michelangelo, you can get Organic Playdough ($24.95 CAD at Natural Pod) and Stockmar again comes through with natural modeling beeswax.
Most, though not all, of Crayola’s crayons and Silly Putty products are made in the USA. Crayola has been an industry leader among US-based companies in safety initiatives. Parents of younger children may want to check out Crayola Beginnings, a new line of products for infants & toddlers.
Plate Design Kit: Start your future ceramics artist off with a Plate Works Design Your Own Plate Kit ($14.99, Made in Colorado). Kids can draw on the plate with the provided markers or send the plate in with a photograph. And you get two gifts in one–a crafts project for junior and a gift for the Grandparents.
Stamp Sets and “Decorate Your Own” Kits: Duck Duck Goose has a fun selection of craft projects, mainly from Melissa and Doug, including stamp sets and “decorate your own” kits. Although Melissa and Doug are Made in China, they are one of the few brands that has been very transparent about their safety measures and has not had recalls for lead paints.
Kits for Future Artisans: I’m drooling in anticipation of using the craft kits for kids at Hearth Song. They have about a hundred intriguing options for all ages. You could use this Knot a Quilt Kit to pique interest in sewing and this Beaded Snowflakes Kit is a perfect seasonal project for older kids. There are so many possibilities, I really encourage you to check out all the Arts & Crafts options at Hearth Song for yourself.
Our Green House also carries a beautiful colonial-style first loom ($22.50) that is made in the USA.
And don’t forget books for your favorite crafty kid–you know those are lead free and will fit every size.
Coupons for These and Other Non-Toxic Craft Kits and Supplies:
- Duck Duck Goose: Get 10% off with coupon code groove…plus free shipping on all orders $60 and up!
- Natural Pod: Get 10% off with coupon code “MAMANISTA10” at check out. (vaild until December 5th, 2007)
- Magic Cabin: $4.99 Standard Shipping on orders $50+. Code MCA056 (ends 12/14)
- Hearth Song: $4.99 Standard Shipping on orders $50+. Code HSA056 (ends 12/14)
- CrayolaStore: Receive a 10% Off discount code when you sign up for email updates at Crayola!
- Our full list of Retailers of Toys to Trust