While infants don’t require much during the first several months of their life other than being fed, changed, and nurtured, there are some fun things you can do to bond with baby, encourage their development, and provide entertainment. And though they (hopefully!) sleep a lot those first few months, you may find yourself unsure of what to do with them during their awake hours or what type of activities are appropriate at this age. The activities listed below will help with baby’s muscle development and coordination, eye tracking, core strength, language skills, and more.

13 activities for babies 0-6 months old:
- Balloon Kicks – Loosely tie one or two balloons to baby’s feet, lay them on their back, and let them kick and watch the balloons bounce around! This is great for developing their eye tracking ability, understanding cause and effect, concentration, and gross motor skills.
- Tummy Time – Some babies love it, and other hate it, but tummy time is important for babies’ development. You can buy tummy time mats, or just use a blanket or other mat you have. If your little one isn’t a fan, try using different toys or books to distract them and start with short amounts of time.
- Baby Gym – These usually have lights or toys that baby can look up at and which entertains them for a bit of time. When they learn to roll over, they have even more to look at and play with!
- Stretches – Gently stretch your baby’s arms and legs up and down to develop their little muscles. You can do the bicycle movement with their legs, which also helps to relieve gas!
- Mirror Time – Babies love to look at themselves! This develops their self esteem and keeps them entertained!
- Reading – It’s NEVER too early to read to your child! Your baby needs to hear your voice, and being read to develops language skills.
- Music – Play different types of music for your baby and gently help them move or rock to the rhythm. As they begin to be able to grasp things, you can encourage them to shake a rattle or beat a drum to the beat! You can also hold your baby and dance around with them!
- Discovery Bottles – Babies at this age aren’t ready for sensory activities involving rice, beans, or other small objects, but that doesn’t mean they can’t join in the sensory activity fun! Discovery bottles are so easy to make, and babies love exploring what’s inside!
- Treasure Baskets – These are so easy to put together! Simply place several different types of objects in a basket and let your baby explore! You can do color themed baskets, or just random objects!
- Water Play – This is such a simple sensory activity for babies! Put down a towel to contain the mess, pour water onto a baking sheet, and float a couple of toys in it!
- Taste Safe Sensory Rainbow – For babies who still put everything in their mouth, this taste safe (no shaving cream) sensory rainbow is a great way for them to explore colors and new sensations!
- Talk and Listen – Put your face close to baby’s where they can see you clearly and talk, then pause and let them answer.
- Games – Play simple games with your baby like peek-a-boo or recite other nursery rhymes that have motions!
What do you do with your little one? Let us know so we can add it to the list!