Minimalism is a huge buzz word right now, especially with the attention that has recently been given to the KonMari method. While it sounds like a great concept, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. Are you really supposed to just throw away everything that doesn’t bring you joy… including the dishes? Below we have put together 11 simple steps towards minimalism to help you get on the right track and begin simplifying your life.

1. Declutter
This may seem like a no-brainer, but the first step to achieving a more minimalism lifestyle is to declutter your living spaces. Start with one category of belongings, such as clothing, and work your way through your entire house. When you reduce the amount of stuff you own, you have more space and it is easier to clean.
2. Give Everything A Home
You know the saying “a place for everything, and everything in its place”? It turns out there is a lot of wisdom in this saying. Make sure everything you own has a proper place and that everyone in your house knows where that is.
3. Color Palette
Choose a neutral color scheme for your home to minimize distractions. Avoid too many patterns or colors and utilize textures to create variety.
4. Embrace Space
Don’t feel like you have to cover every piece of wall or floor. White space can be soothing and allows the things you really love to stand out even more.
5. Tidy Up
The easiest and most effective way to keep things clean is to tidy up frequently. When you’re finished using something, put it back.
6. Clear Counter Space
Even if you have the room on your counter to store frequently used appliances, the more you can put away in a cupboard the cleaner and more spacious the area will feel.
7. Capsule Wardrobe
Pare your wardrobe down to simple, high-quality, well-fitting items that go well together and that you feel good wearing. This will simplify your life in so many ways.
8. Purchase Reusable Items Once
Choose reusable options whenever you can, so that you only have to make the purchase once and create less waste. Reusable shopping bags, stainless steel straws, and glass water bottles are just a few examples.
9. Meal Planning
Planning and preparing food ahead of time saves time and money and reduces food waste!
10. Declutter Your Makeup and Toiletries
Go through all of your makeup and toiletries and check the expiration dates. Throw away everything that is past its date or that you no longer use.
11. Buy Less
Companies’ clever marketing will lead you to believe you NEED the latest greatest version of everything, but chances are you don’t. Once your belongings are organized and you have decluttered, you can more easily see everything you already have and will be less likely to purchase duplicates.
What steps have you taken in your home to head towards minimalism? Let us know!