Is everyone dressed? Have you gone to the bathroom? Where is your homework? Did you study for your spelling quiz? Remember to wear your sneakers for gym! Make sure you practice piano!
The most hectic time in my parenting work day is the morning. My husband and I have to get four kids fed (including the newborn who only “eats at mom’s”). Plus we have to get two kids ready for school and down to the bus on time. Next year we’ll have two different bus pick-up times…at some point, our kids will have four different pick-up times!
We also need energy for our own busy day. My husband is either off to the office or to the National Guard, while I stay home with the youngest two and work from home as an educational consultant and writer. To make sure everyone is ready and I get the breakfast I need, I try to make the morning less crazy.
Prep the Night Before: Anything that can be prepared the night before will make the morning more smooth. Of course kids can lay out clothing, check their backpacks, and prepare lunches. You can also prep breakfast, too! Just measure out any ingredients or put cereals in serving-size storage bowls and you will save valuable minutes.
Wake-up Before the Kids: OK, this tip does not work as well for me because the infant wakes up when I do. However, my husband is great about getting going and taking care of anything we missed the night before.
Make a List: I am a list-maker because I forget anything not on the list. Create a poster with a daily checklist. If you laminate it, you can check off tasks as you go and add any others for the morning with a dry erase marker.
Walkabout Breakfast for the Adults: Not only would skimping on breakfast leave my husband and I tired and hungry before lunch, it would be a bad example for our kids. Getting everyone else ready means we need to grab our food as we can—a “walkabout breakfast.” Once I have breakfast, I am ready to start my day! You can find more great starts like these at

Kellogg’s® believes that From Great Starts Come Great Things®. So we’re helping Moms start every day with a tip from the top athletes of Team Kellogg’s™ and Team USA dietitians. The thirty days leading up to the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will each feature fun pieces of advice to help families fuel just like the athletes of Team Kellogg’s. To see all 30 tips, visit
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