Finding out that you’re expecting a child is exciting, and the following nine months will simultaneously fly by and drag on. If you feel overwhelmed by all there is to do and everything you need to get before baby gets here, check out this list of baby registry must-haves to help you create your own checklist.

Strollers and Car Seats
- Infant car seat with base – there are so many out there to choose from. Look for a lightweight seat that will make it easier for you to carry as baby grows quickly.
- Extra car seat base for each additional car – this will make your life so much easier and keep you from having to switch the base from one vehicle to another. Also consider grandparents’ vehicles or anyone else who may help you tote baby around.
- Stroller travel system – make sure this is compatible with your car seat. If you enjoy walking and jogging, look for a jogging stroller with bicycle tires.
- Convertible car seat – unfortunately you will need one per car once your baby grows out of their infant car seat. Look for a seat that is slim if you plan to have more children so that you will have more room for additional car seats.
- Umbrella stroller – these are so handy as baby gets a bit older, as they take up much less space than a bigger stroller or jogger.

- Crib – many cribs are able to convert to toddler bed frames once the baby has outgrown their crib, and this can save you money in the future.
- Crib mattress – typically these are waterproof and easy to wipe clean!
- Dresser – depending on your space, look for a dresser that can hold diapers, wipes, clothes, etc. You can even place a changing pad on top of a dresser to save room.
- Bookcase – get a bookcase with shelves or cubes to hold baby’s books and toys.
- Changing pad – don’t forget to get a couple extra changing pad covers especially for those messy diapers during the first several months.
- Waterproof mattress pads – you can grab several of these and layer them along with crib sheets for easy middle-of-the-night changes.
- Crib sheets – get at least as many of these as you have mattress pads.
- Night light – if you get a good quality light you can use it into the toddler years as well. Many have dimming options so you can check on/feed/change baby without waking them.
- Hamper – babies go through a lot of outfits and a hamper makes it easy to store and carry dirty clothes to the laundry room.
- Video baby monitor – there are so many options available, including cameras that use your phone as the monitor.
- Blackout shades – if your baby’s room is sunny, these can be a lifesaver when it comes to naps or early bedtimes.
- Sound machine – babies are used to the sound of their mother’s womb and have difficulty sleeping in a quiet room. White noise also drowns out any other sounds in the house to prevent them from waking up the baby.
- Glider chair – get a comfy chair that you can place in baby’s room for those long nights of rocking and feeding.

Diaper Changes
- Diapers in a variety of sizes – many babies outgrow newborn diapers quickly, so it’s never a bad idea to stock up on bigger sizes as well.
- Wipes – you can literally never have too many baby wipes.
- Waterproof changing pad – great for on the go or changing baby on your bed.
- Diaper bag – look for something with plenty of room and pockets to hold everything you need.
- Diaper rash cream – get one for the nursery, one for the car, one for the diaper bag. You never know when you will need it.
- Diaper pail – there are different options out there. Find something that works for you and your space.

- Bassinet – if you plan to co-sleep, get a bassinet that is approved as a safe sleep area.
- Swaddling blankets – these are great for swaddling as well as for use as burp cloths.
- Pacifiers – get a couple of different types and brands so you can try them out and see what your baby prefers.
- Play yard – a basic play yard doubles as a safe sleeping area as well as a contained play area.
- Bouncy chair – these are super convenient when you need a place to set baby down and little ones love being able to look around.
- Swing – baby swings can be a lifesaver since, unfortunately, you can’t actually hold them 24/7.
- Velcro swaddles – they will eventually learn to escape from these, too, but sometimes this is all that gets you through the night.

- Burp cloths – get plenty and always have them available.
- Cloth bibs – even before they start eating solids, babies drool a lot and bibs will save you from having so many outfit changes.
- Bottle brush – makes washing all those bottles so much easier.
- High chair – decide on whether your space would allow for a high chair and if not look for a booster with a tray that can strap to a kitchen chair.
- Sippy cups – get a variety of straw cups, sippy cups, and trainer cups as you never know which your baby will prefer.
- Plastic spoons and bowls – you can even find bowls that will suction to the tray to prevent baby from knocking it over.
- Bottle drying rack – you’ll be washing a lot of bottles and other small accessories, and this can come in handy.
- Breastfeeding pillow – these are also great for bottle feeding, holding baby through a nap, or propping them up on – as well as support when they are learning to sit up.
- Breast pads and lanolin – a breastfeeding mom’s best friends.
- Breastfeeding cover – to help with your comfort when you’re out and about, or to keep baby from getting distracted.
- Pumping bra – these are a complete life changer.
- Bottles and nipples – again, get extras and get different brands to try out.

- Baby bath tub – look for a tub that has an infant insert so it can be used for a longer time.
- Baby bath towels and washcloths – look for soft and absorbent towels.
- Baby shampoo/soap/lotion – go with something that is gentle on baby’s skin and wont burn if it gets in their eyes.
- Laundry detergent – you don’t have to buy baby laundry detergent, but get a free and clear that won’t irritate baby’s skin.
- Stain remover – keep a bottle near the changing area to help prevent permanent stains.

- Jumper – this is optional, but can be fun as babies get a bit older.
- Play mat – these are great at keeping baby entertained as well as for use during tummy time.
- Teethers – babies put everything in their mouth anyways, but look for a few teethers that they can chew on while cutting teeth.
- Thermometer – you can find thermometers that simply scan your child’s forehead which generally upsets them less.
- Nasal aspirator – these are really useful for getting rid of snot, and a congested baby is an unhappy baby!
- Car seat mirror – great for checking up on baby while you’re driving.
- Baby carrier – so, so great for keeping baby close to you and having your hands free.

What are your must-have baby items? Reach out and let us know!