Cooler temperatures are here, and winter is coming. With it, many people experience a seasonal depression and notice a shift in their mood with the shorter days, less sunlight, and being cooped up indoors. Here are several things you can do to brighten your house and have a healthier, happier home this winter.

- Remove toxins from the home. Most of us have so many toxins in our homes today. The cleaning supplies, air fresheners, and candles that we use to freshen our home can actually release toxins into our home. We continually take in these toxins via breathing and skin contact, and our body has to process them. Avoid becoming overwhelmed with this task by replacing one thing at a time. Before you know it, your home will be free from most toxins.
- Get rid of clutter. Clutter causes stress and collects dust, making it bad for your mental and physical health. For some ideas on how to begin decluttering your home and more, check out our article on How to Apply the KonMari Method to Other Areas of Your Life.
- Find ways to destress. Clear out mental clutter as well. This is a great time to begin a meditation practice and spend extra time on self care. Find a few minutes each day to read a book, write in a journal, or do whatever helps you to decompress.
- Get an air purifier and/or humidifier for your home. Air purifiers and humidifiers are great for keeping your home’s humidity at an optimal level for both comfort and decreased illness. Because everyone is cooped up in the winter, illness spreads more easily, but an air purifier can help decrease the amount of germs cycling through your home.
- Stay hydrated. We all know it’s important to stay hydrated during the summer, but it’s equally as important during winter as well. Drink plenty of water, hot tea, and consume hydrating fruits and vegetables.
- Grow plants indoors. Indoor plants help to purify and moisten the air in your home. They can also boost your mood and bring a bit of life and brightness to a room, which can be missed in dark, cold winter months.
- Surround yourself with loved ones. With winter comes the holidays which can also be particularly difficult for some people. Surround yourself with people you love as often as you can to bring warmth to your winter season.
What tips do you have to create a healthier, happier home this winter? Share them with us!